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Producción Anual

190,000 botellas


Orgánica (Certificada)
Practicas Biodinámicas




Giambattista Cilia, Giusto Occhipinti, y Cirino Strano


Cerasuolo, Frappato, Nero d’Avola, Grecanico, Insolia, Zibbibo




COS was founded by three friends. The name of the winery is actually an acronym of their last names. In 1980, when they first started, they were the youngest wine producers in Italy. Over the last nearly 40 years, COS has become an internationally known winery, production has increased, vinification methods have changed and a host of other things have evolved. However, the spirit of friendship and playfulness remain. We felt that warm energy immediately upon arriving at COS and receiving a lazy and affectionate greeting from the resident pet dogs, former strays that were adopted into the famliy.

Somewhat surprisingly, given the breadth and depth of its quality wine production, Sicily is home to only one Denominazione d'Origine Controllata e Garantita (DOCG): Cerasuolo di Vittoria. It is here, in Vittoria, in the southeastern corner of Sicily, at a latitude that lies south of the northernmost tip of Africa, and with a topography that is surprisingly flat, that one finds COS. Given these factors, one might be forgiven for anticipating ripe, full, high alcohol wines. Nothing could be further from the truth, for as Giusto Occhipinti (the "O" in COS) explained to us over lunch, the poverty of the soil works to counterbalance the other factors, allowing COS to produce the ethereal elegant red wines of Frappatto and Cerasuolo for which it is famous. COS works with biodynamic practices in the vineyards (eschewing fertilizers and chemicals, composting pruned vines) and a light hand in the cellars. The wines are vinified in amphorae, allowing the terroir and nuances of each vintage to shine through.

En 1980, cuando empezaron, los tres amigos que fundaron COS eran los productores de vino más jóvenes de Italia.

Q&A con el Cultivador

Todo buen vino que pruebo y que me emociona sigue influyéndome de alguna manera.
Un viñedo especial, gestionado con amor, es la voz más fuerte del vino.


Zibibbo in Pithos 22

IGT Terre Siciliane
Tipo: Vino Blanco
Prácticas: Orgánica (certificada), Practicas Biodinámicas
Uvas: Zibibbo
Factor funk: Funk Alto

Spumante COS MAGNUM 12

IGT Terre Siciliane
Tipo: Vino Espumoso
Prácticas: Orgánica (certificada), Practicas Biodinámicas
Uvas: Frappato di Vittoria
Factor funk: Classy

Vittoria Rosso DOC 19

Vittoria Rosso DOC
Tipo: Vino Tinto
Prácticas: Orgánica (certificada), Practicas Biodinámicas
Uvas: Nero D’avola, Frappato
Factor funk: Classy

Cerasuolo di Vittoria

Cerasuolo di Vittoria Classico DOCG
Tipo: Vino Tinto
Prácticas: Orgánica (certificada), Practicas Biodinámicas
Uvas: Nero d’Avola, Frappato
Factor funk: Classy


Frappato IGP
Tipo: Vino Tinto
Prácticas: Orgánica (certificada), Practicas Biodinámicas
Uvas: Frappato
Factor funk: Classy

Pithos Bianco

Pithos Bianco DOC
Tipo: Vino Naranja
Prácticas: Orgánica (certificada), Practicas Biodinámicas
Uvas: Grecanico
Factor funk: Classy

Pithos Rosso 22

Pithos Rosso IGT
Tipo: Vino Tinto
Prácticas: Orgánica (certificada), Practicas Biodinámicas
Uvas: Nero d’Avola
Factor funk: Funk Alto

Rami 22

Ramí IGP
Tipo: Vino Naranja
Prácticas: Orgánica (certificada), Practicas Biodinámicas
Uvas: Inzolia, grillo
Factor funk: Funk Alto

Rosato Spumante 20

IGT Terre Siciliane
Tipo: Vino Espumoso
Prácticas: Orgánica (certificada), Practicas Biodinámicas
Uvas: Frappato di Vittoria
Factor funk: Classy


"El mayor premio son los más de 50 distribuidores/embajadores alrededor del mundo que nos representan." -Giusto Occhipinti

