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Azienda Agricola Francesco Salamon



Producción Anual

60,000 botellas


Intervención mínima




Francesco Salamon





Azienda Agricola Francesco Salamon

Gianluca Salamon and his father Francesco are vintners, but they are also farmers.  For decades, they have tended to vegetables and a small vineyard on their property in Santa Lucia di Piave, on the outskirts of Treviso. For many years, they produced regional red wines, but eventually decided to replant their vineyard with Glera, a grape known only regionally at the time. While Glera may not yet be a household name, the wine that it is used to produce – Prosecco – now is. Terriero, landowner in Italian, is the wine produced from the grapes of the Salamon family.

The vinification of Prosecco is a complex and expensive process, especially for a family producer of this size. Therefore, Francesco Salamon works with his friend, the winemaker Desiderio Bortolin, to make wine in the Valdobbiadene appellation. Consistent with the region's winemaking practices, the Prosecco is kept in small tanks and bottled only upon request from the Salamon family.

El productor señaló que el cultivo de otros cultivos como soja, maíz y trigo es muy importante porque parte de nuestro objetivo como productores es desarrollar y mantener la biodiversidad, importante para nosotros y para nuestro medio ambiente.

Q&A con el Cultivador

Lamentablemente no tengo ningún mentor en vino y por lo tanto siempre he intentado aprender lo más posible durante mi viaje al extranjero y visitas otras bodegas y durante las catas. Admiro a todos mis clientes que han creído en mí desde el principio.
Mejor maridaje: pizza / pinot noir – peor maridaje: naturaleza espumante con postre.
Durante la cata una buena botella (vino) está vacía.


Terriero Prosecco DOC Treviso Brut

Prosecco di Treviso DOC
Tipo: Vino Espumoso
Prácticas: Orgánica (no certificada)
Uvas: Glera
Factor funk: Classy


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