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Of Fathers and Sons: Sugame

1 de July de 2020


For the second installment of the series ¨Of Fathers and Sons,¨ we focus on Lorenzo Miceli. Lorenzo is a quintessential family man who produces Chianti Classico in the heart of the zone, in one of the most picturesque places that you can imagine: Antico Borgo di Sugame. Lorenzo inherited his passion for wine from his father, who grew vines and produced wine in North Africa before returning to his native Italy. He eventually settled in Piedmont. Tragically, Lorenzo lost his father when he was a young man. However, his legacy lives on through Lorenzo´s love of the land and vines. Today, Lorenzo can be found with his three children whenever he is not in the vineyards or wine cellar. More than anything else, he loves to share the rhythms of Antico Borgo di Sugame with his children.

Este mes de junio estaremos celebrando la gran tradición de producir vino en familia. Brevemente y con lindísimas fotos, contaremos las historias de tres productores y sus padres, una cada semana, de aquí al Día del padre. Para ese día, culminaremos con un 3-pack especial para el Día del padre, “De Padres e Hijos”. Es una selección que elegimos especialmente por la tradición de la paternidad en la historia de la bodega. Cada productor sigue los pasos de su padre (y en algunos casos, los de su abuelo y bisabuelo) para elaborar un hermoso vino artesanal. La tradición y el legado están en el ADN de cada uno de estos vinos.